Thursday, November 13, 2008

happy things






thinking of happy things tonight...
like a pretty lamp in a pretty window.
finding kickass shoes for $2.
and a cool tray for 60 cents.
and of course, good friends in my life.
like beth.
and all of you.
who add so much to my life.


meg duerksen said...

those ARE happy things.
it's so nice to enjoy other people's happiness. :)
i have a file box to match your tray....

Our Family said...

i want that little syrup thingy with the strawberries on it!

you two look so beautiful...

and're really getting around these days. am i next?

Krista said...

those ARE kickass shoes!
loving your happy things.

Kulio said...

mmm...beth SO looks like a good friend!!! Hold her close!

That sounds sappy.

I am sappy tho.

peace and love!

Beth said...

Cool stuff.......I love the window somehow I can see Amy doing the robot in front of it for everyone to see!

I can't believe how cute the picture turned out.....all I can see is you laying on the hood of the car trying to make it work. I love it.....and you! Thanks for the happiness!

Katie I'm all yours when you get to town! I can't wait!

Tisha said...

How do you find such cool things thrifting?! you have a gift!

girrrl, don't even get my started on those shoes!

HWHL said...

WOW - $2 shoes???!

And that lamp? (I'm still hearing Steve Carrell's voice... "I love lamp.") :-)

I love bargains. In fact, I'm on my way to my local Goodwill to hunt for bargains myself!

And friendship is the Sweetest Thing of all! :-)

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

you made me smile with all that happiness!
i firmly believe that there is nothing better in life than going thrifting with a good friend!
goodness to the core...
it gets you deep down and fills your toes with fun!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

oh... and could yall be ANY cuter... NO! :)

Jennifer said...

Love, LOVE how you choose to focus on the happy.

There really is so much of it, when you take the time to look!

Thanks for the reminder.

Love you
xoxo jc

Anonymous said...

Bright and beautiful...happy and wholesome...focus on these things. Hey, sounds like Scripture...I'll check. Love you for loving and finding life in the right stuff. You will always be my cheena beena. (I hate it when I miss the word verification on the first attempt...I know somewhere, someone is saying how stupid I am)

Unknown said...

I love you my friend.. you ROCK my world. I'm really missin that face of yours.

Unknown said...

its on ingra's laptop

Anonymous said...

We should all be so lucky to have your outlook. Thanks for the sunshine! XOXO

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture of the two of you! Love the lamp, love the shoes, love thrifting!

Gini said...

those shoes flippin' ROCK!!!!

MGF said...

I love thrift store finds that make me soo happy.

Valley Girl said...

Those shoes ARE rock'n!!!!!! You should check out John Fluevog shoes (if you don't know about them already). They will BLOW your mind (and your pocket book too!!) Smiles!