Tuesday, October 09, 2007

singing shoes

Getting back into blogging is a lot like running that first mile after a long hiatus (I seem to have a lot of those). I just have to lace up my shoes and get out there...put my pen to the paper...one foot in front of the other until...yes, it's not far now... that sweet rythym. Why does so much of my life feel so...intermittent?

Speaking of rythym, I can't stop reading...currently, it's "The Rythym of Life" by Matthew Kelley and I love it. I've never been more inspired to discover and be the best version of myself - even if that means returning library books on time.

Somer came into our room crying today because Sydney "made me smell her feet." It's difficult to maintain one's composure when telling your daughter we never make people smell our feet.

Sydney, distracted while cleaning her room (surprise), came into the kitchen tonight with a tennis shoe and said, "Mom, you know what is so funny about shoes? They always look like they're singing." This remark was quickly followed by an imitation - she held the shoe up next to her face, opened her mouth wide, and sang, "Lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," complete with vibrato. Strangely, I could actually see the resemblance.

The girls and I are befriending our Korean neighbors just below us. Or rather, they're befriending us. We talk about kids...food...working...Korea. I like them. I like the way their apartment smells of rice and ginger. I like how Kyung He says, "Guh Jah" as Savannah copies the Korean alphabet. I like how all cultural differences seem to disappear as she says in her kind, broken English, "I understand." And I believe she does.


Kulio said...

Oh! I love love love the new format for the blog. And I cannot believe the creativity of your children....wait, yes I can. Keep writing please -- you have such a cool conversational tone, and I can see right into your house from my computer! If you keep it real, just real life, it will be easy to write, and wooonderful to read :-)